Saturday, July 12, 2008

PCOS – Not living with it, we are born to fight it.

PCOS, the dreaded Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is found one in every 10 women, hence the doctors simply use the excuse “you will have to live with it, there is no permanent cure for this”

The most common agonising symptoms are:

Weight gain / difficulty in losing weight
Irregular periods
Heavy bleeding
Excess growth of facial and bodily hair
Mood swings
Hair loss or Alopecia

No one will better understand the pains of a PCOS sufferer other than the person who is already going through it.

If you are anyone like me, suffering with almost all the above symptoms mentioned above, and then I am sure you are sick and tired of the doctors telling that your irregular periods, Infertility, Hair loss are all linked with your Obesity and you need to lose weight for the hormones to sort them out by themselves. It is also very difficult to make them understand that no matter how hard we try to lose weight, the PCS will make it difficult for us to do this. It is simply like talking to a brick wall, instead there is a doctor who is refusing to help you. I admit, some PCOS suffers are blessed with helpful and understanding doctors.

As the doctors say, I know weight loss will play a very important role in curing the other symptoms of PCOS. (PCOS patient has more chances of getting diabetics, stroke, heart diseases etc.)

If your family do not understand what you are going through, talk to them and make them understand what you are going through. Nowadays, there are so many websites providing a host of information on PCOS. But trust me, if you talk to them you will make them understand and who knows they might stop ordering that tempting take away when you are strictly counting calories.

We do not want more scientific jargons on PCOS, we know it makes our life a living hell, so there is no need to discuss on this more. What we will do is, discuss, motivate, share tips with all the sisters, so we know by end of 2008 we have kicked one of the important factor OBESITY out of our lives and look forward to welcome a slimmer, healthier, happier us for 2009.

Enough is enough, we all know that we have PCOS, and heard zillion times from our doctors that we need to seriously lose weight and get into a healthy BMI. What have we done about this? Yes, we all have tried, but hand on your heart girls, have we given our best 100% towards it. I admit, I haven’t, I try for few weeks, feel depressed after weighing myself because I have literally survived on rabbit food, but still not managed to lose any weight, so binge on my favourite comfort food chocolate (sometimes my only best friend).

You can get more information and support about PCOS on:

I am starting my own personalised diet (Yes, if you are anyone like me tried and tested all the diets under the sun from weight watchers to Watermelon diet, then you will be the best dietician you can recommend anyone to) from Sunday 13th July 2008. I currently weigh 13 stones and hoping to get just under 11 stones 7 lbs by 21st August (for my Wedding Anniversary). I know it is slightly over the healthy weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds a week, but I tend to lose more on my 2nd and 3rd week usually, so hope it works now too.

Sindhu xx
Only you know if you want to do it, and if you decide to do it, only you can stop yourself from doing it.

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